It’s almost summer time so that means it’s time to get that beach body ready, prepare for the mass of pool parties and barbecues and eat lots of ice cream in lots of different ways! Now I know sorbet is not really ice cream but it is its fruit cousin, so it counts too!
If you’re a boozy brunch foodie like me then you know how valuable bottomless mimosas are! I decided to put a bit of a spin on these mimosa, and I know I’m not the first, but I wanted to have a little fun with the color combo of this drink and create something both delicious and pretty.
That being said, my first attempt at making these was neither! I used wayyyy too much sorbet and it ended up tasting like I dumped a bunch of pixie sticks into my drink. It was also pretty messy and the champagne kept bubbling over from the tiniest of pours. *Sigh* But I decided to post this anyway because with a few moderations this drink can really be great!
First, don’t over do it on the sorbet. I repeat, LESS IS MORE! Especially if you decide to go with two flavors, I’d recommend no more than a tablespoon of sorbet per glass. So if you do two flavors then ½ tablespoon each.
Second, be patient when pouring. It seems silly to write but if you go ham on the pouring it will bubble like you wont believe and you’ll have wasted champagne everywhere and no one buys alcohol to waste it, so be careful!
Lastly, I got a little lucky with some of the shots I took of these mimosas but wasn’t all that pretty in the end. Could be because of the color combination. Maybe it was the quality of the sorbet I bought. I don’t know, but if you are preparing this for guests at a party I would recommend maybe going with just one flavor or, like I said, just use the sorbet in moderation.
Leave me a comment below if you’ve tried this before, my recipe or others. I’d love to know some of your experiences/trials/tribulations!

- 1 tbsp. favorite sorbet flavor(s)
- 4 oz Brut champange
- favorite fruit